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The Romanian County Regionalization by Florin Bojor


These days, under the pressure of European funds stopping, the Romanian society is overwhelmed by the regionalization„, the decentralization of the ultra-centralized system and the creation of administrative autonomies in the country system.

The model proposed by the Democratic Liberal Political Party, PDL headed by the Romanian President, Traian Basescu is actually a step toward the dictatorship!

They want to defunct the 41 regional administrations and reduce them to 8 or 11 regions.

In conclusion, PDL model of „Regionalization” is the most undemocratic system in the current centralized system.


The Romanian County Regionalization by Florin Bojor

The administrative reform is focused on two principles: efficiency and budget savings. I consider that is unnecessary to set up regional institutions with jurisdiction over a province determined, as the authors of the Memo to the regional Parliament for the construction of Romania, said: „I propose, from same perspective, to discuss the establishment of regional councils or provincial parliaments headquartered in regional or provincial capitals „(1938) or the current proposal of the Democratic Liberal Political Party, PDL – Traian Basescu. (The President of Romania)

This would provide ancillary costs, bureaucracy and inefficiency, therefore, I propose that the regional autonomy should be exerted on each of the 41 counties of Romania in part, that is not to create provincial parliaments, such as a parliament of Transylvania, of Banat, or of Moldova, etc. but the Prefecture institution and the County Council to be reformed under the principle of decentralization.

In other words, the County Council to become an autonomic-County Regional Parliament, and having the legislative power of regional autonomy. He carries on his business on a regional area identified by each county separately, and not a historical province, as the County Parliament is the self-government forum regional. Romania and Transylvania will be divided into 41 counties autonomies.

In the current system, the County Council is a black hole in the budget! Advisers are not paid for them labor force, meaning that the centralized system does not allow them to fulfill their duties for which the goal was elected: for the spiritual, social and financial welfare County citizens, who elected them. On the one hand the system’s structure is bad in itself, but on the other hand, many elected are the expression of distribution and redistribution of electoral lists, and are not interests in the common good and the necessity of the Romanian society.

In the system of regional autonomy the Romanian County Prefecture is the county executive power. The County residents in the representative democracy system of government give their executive rights to the prefect. This duties as such commission to be made public only through the single vote, direct, unique, secret and not appointed. That model exercise legislative and executive powers in the western regions.

At these words the lover of the previous centralized system could replay that: do you invent this political administrative reform by yourself? How do I know that will bear fruit and will not be a devastating failure for the country?

To answer at this question we’ll have to regard to several points: first, the bad functioning of the County Council had born the desire for change it. Why pay an institution which brings me a clear helpful? Why keep a spare full administrative infrastructure? Why waste it away for some functions inefficient? Why would I subdue to an economic institution that has no objective and legitimate decision-making power for our needs?

Secondly, I do not invent a new system; I just translate and apply to the existing realities of Romania and our mentality, the reformed Spanish provinces and communities system, and the decentralized it European one in general.

And thirdly, the successes achieved in decentralized systems were in the late modernity and postmodernity, a guarantee of present reality which I preach.

Rightly, M. Calamo Specchia said quoting J. Rivero (Fédéralisme et Déconcentration, 1949, p. 55) that the territorial entity must be managed within the community designated local authority in how the body „expresses the community, corporate and recognized in him. „

In conclusion, there is no need for decentralization to create new institutions, but the real transfer, direct, practical of the power, money collection and administration responsibility, clarity and balanced, in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity of those we have: County Council respectively Prefecture.